04 September, 2014

Was a UFO captured on video during a St. Louis newscast? We analyze the footage

ST. LOUIS, MO (KTVI) – A Labor Day lightning storm put on a spectacular show for St. Louis Monday night. Some of the storm’s flashes were used during live cut-aways during the FOX 2’s nightly newscast.  Some viewers say they saw something strange at around 9:07pm.

Anchor Shirley Washington explains that meteorologist Chris Higgins will be giving updates on the severe weather in the area throughout the newscast.  Over her voice is a view from FOX 2’s roof camera.  During that shot something flashes across the screen.  The flying object is illuminated by flashes of lightning.  In the blink of an eye it is gone.

Video from the newscast has been posted to Facebook and analyzed by FOX 2 viewers.  One commenter says, “Could have been anything. A UFO means “unidentified flying object” and doesn’t mean Aliens.”

FOX 2 producer Kevin Pope and reporter Andy Banker took a look at the video.  They slowed the high definition footage to see what the object really is.  Their conclusion: the object is a bird illuminated by the lightning.

Link:  http://fox2now.com/2014/09/03/was-a-ufo-captured-during-a-st-louis-newscast-we-analyze-the-footage/


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