A moon sized UFO appeared near the sun in film footage captured by the Solar Dynamics Observatory recording solar activity in a video uploaded to Youtube on November 2. According to a post on UFO Sightings Daily released today, the
UFO has an unusual geometry comprising right angles that leads to the
conclusion that it is of alien origin. The UFO appears to have a trail
of solar particles behind it in the film footage of large solar flare
activity originally recorded on October 28. If the UFO is of alien
origin, it would be a dramatic example of a Type II extraterrestrial
civilization able to harness solar energy according to the Kardashev scale of a civilization’s technological advancement.
The November 2 video shows large solar flare activity in the form of coronal loops occurring near the sun on October 28 as recorded by NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO). The film footage was recorded by the SDO ultraviolent instrument called the Extreme ultraviolet Variability Experiment (EVE). EVE provides dramatic real time footage of the sun which is regularly released to the public as still shots and short movies. NASA SDO film footage of coronal loops recorded from October 26 to 29 is available here.
According to Scott Waring from UFO Sightings Daily:
The Kardashev scale of extraterrestrial civilizations was developed by Soviet Astronomer Nikoli Kardashev in 1964, and distinguished between extraterrestrial civilizations based on their ability to harness different types of energy at a macro scale. A Type I civilization harnesses energy at planetary level, a Type II uses energy at a solar level, while Type III civilizations use galactic level energies. The November 2 video of the moon sized UFO near the sun may be evidence that our solar system is being visited by very advanced extraterrestrial civilizations that can harness the sun's plasma energy.
Link: http://www.examiner.com/article/moon-size-ufo-near-sun-may-be-evidence-of-type-ii-alien-civilization
The November 2 video shows large solar flare activity in the form of coronal loops occurring near the sun on October 28 as recorded by NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO). The film footage was recorded by the SDO ultraviolent instrument called the Extreme ultraviolet Variability Experiment (EVE). EVE provides dramatic real time footage of the sun which is regularly released to the public as still shots and short movies. NASA SDO film footage of coronal loops recorded from October 26 to 29 is available here.
According to Scott Waring from UFO Sightings Daily:
We have a nice close up of the UFO and behind it you can see there is a trail of solar particles in its wake. This UFO has a really interesting geometric form to it. Notice the uneven shape with many right angles to it. Maybe aliens don't want humanity to know about them yet, but I say why wait for an invitation. We may not be able to shake their hands, but we sure as heck can track their ships near our sun. SCWThe unusual geometry and the solar trail behind the UFO suggest it is not a camera anomaly due to pixelation. Another possibility, that the UFO is a comet is not likely given its proximity to the sun. This makes it plausible that the moon sized UFO interacting with the sun is an alien spacecraft. The long solar trail may be evidence that the UFO is harnessing the Sun’s plasma energy suggesting that it belongs to a Type II extraterrestrial civilization according to the Kardashev scale.
The Kardashev scale of extraterrestrial civilizations was developed by Soviet Astronomer Nikoli Kardashev in 1964, and distinguished between extraterrestrial civilizations based on their ability to harness different types of energy at a macro scale. A Type I civilization harnesses energy at planetary level, a Type II uses energy at a solar level, while Type III civilizations use galactic level energies. The November 2 video of the moon sized UFO near the sun may be evidence that our solar system is being visited by very advanced extraterrestrial civilizations that can harness the sun's plasma energy.
Link: http://www.examiner.com/article/moon-size-ufo-near-sun-may-be-evidence-of-type-ii-alien-civilization
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