29 January, 2015

UFO Buzzed French Nuclear Power Plant Says Director

Several unidentified flying objects have been spotted over nuclear power plants in France and Belgium over the last few months, and the story has been all over European news.

Thus far, the media has reported that the UFOs are likely drones. However, currently, months after the sightings began, the French government still doesn't know who they belong to. Now a director of one of those nuclear power plants in France says whatever flew over his plant in October, 2014, was not a drone. It was a UFO.

According to Austrian news site ORF.at, there were 18 separate occasions UFOs were seen flying over nuclear power plants in France between early October and early November. The latest incident was announced on January 3, 2015. A nuclear power plant in Nogent-sur-Seine, southeast of Paris, reported that two security guards saw "two flying objects."

The media has reported that some authorities suspect the objects are drones flown by anti-nuclear activists to demonstrate that the plants are open to terrorist attacks via drones. However, authorities have not been able to track them. The largest anti-nuclear organizations have also denied any involvement.

According to The Independent in the UK, a source at Greenpeace has said, "Anti-nuclear campaigners tend also to be anti hi-tech."

In late November, France's secretary-general of defence and national security (SGDSN) posted a press release on the issue, stating (translated by Google Translate): "Although currently listed overflights do not present a threat jeopardizing the proper functioning and security of nuclear facilities, they are nevertheless a warning about potential risks from inappropriate or malicious use."
The SGDSN wrote that they would deal with the issue with "the implementation and development of detection means and the interception of these small aircraft."

As the months have passed, and the concerns have grown, France has not come any closer to identifying the origins of the mysterious aircraft, and it appears not all of the authorities believe drones are to blame.

According to the French newspaper Sud Ouest, a director of one of the nuclear power plants has expressed his opinion that a drone was not what flew over his nuclear power plant. Pascal Pezzani, Director of Blayais Nuclear Power Plant in southwestern France, held a presentation on the plant's results for 2014 and the outlook for the plant in the future.

Pezzani addressed the drone issue, and stated (translated by Google Translate): "Here, we have not seen drone. We saw a UFO and there was no impact on the safety of our sites. Our position is clear, when there overflight of the site and we complain we communicate."

Although, there is a little lost in translation, Pezzani is apparently expressing that when there is an overflight, they do file a complaint with the authorities. However, Sud Ouest points out that the overflight at this particular plant was in October, 2014, but was not communicated until December.
Others also feel that this UFO mystery cannot be answered by unclaimed drones. German news blogger Andreas Müller runs the website Grewi.de, which covers "frontier-science and the paranormal." He alerted me to this latest news, and previously had posted a story about civilian witnesses to the objects. According to Müller, the testimony was printed in the latest issue of a Swiss magazine called Mysteries. Writer Robert Fleischer found witnesses at forum-ovni-ufologie.com, a popular French UFO forum.

Müller writes that Fleischer is skeptical of the drone explanation, given the descriptions by witnesses. Fleischer suspects there is more to it than French authorities are willing to admit.

It has been reported that France is on "high alert" due to these UFO overflights of nuclear power plants, and with the latest being earlier this year, this mystery shows every indication of becoming an even bigger concern in 2015.

Link:  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/alejandro-rojas/ufo-buzzed-french-nuclear_b_6558798.html

Aliens Could Live Like This: Life Found in Oily Goo

Published on August 8th 2014

Liquid oil bubbles up to the surface of Trinidad's Pitch Lake, the world's largest asphalt lake.

Tiny habitats hidden within oil could expand the potential for life in the universe, researchers say.

Scientists have discovered microbes living in microscopic droplets of water inside a giant asphalt lake on Earth, suggesting that alien life could exist within ponds of sludge on distant landscapes such as Saturn's largest moon Titan

Researchers investigated the largest naturally occurring asphalt lake on Earth, Pitch Lake on the Caribbean island of Trinidad. Black goo there oozes across roughly 114 acres (0.46 square kilometers), an area equivalent to nearly 90 football fields. [See Photos of Pitch Lake and 'Alien Life' Oil Droplets

Previous studies had found that microbes could thrive at the boundary where oil and water meet in nature, helping to break down the oil. However, investigators had thought oil was too toxic for life, and that the levels of any water inside the oil were below the threshold for life on Earth. 

"Oil was considered to be dead,"said lead study author Rainer Meckenstock, an environmental microbiologist at Helmholtz Zentrum München in Germany. 

Now scientists have found microbes active within Pitch Lake, dwelling inside water droplets as small as 1 microliter, about one-fiftieth the size of an average drop of water. "Each of these water droplets basically contains a little mini-ecosystem,"study co-author Dirk Schulze-Makuch, an astrobiologist at Washington State University in Pullman, told Live Science. 

These droplets contain a diverse group of microbial species that are breaking the oil down into a variety of organic molecules. The chemistry of the droplets suggests this water does not come from rain, but from ancient seawater, or brine from deep underground. 

28 January, 2015

VIDEO: 50 years of the 'Warminster Thing'

For a year or more, the west Wiltshire market town of Warminster was the talk of the country – after a strange sound, and then weird flying objects sent townsfolk into a spin.

The controversial photo taken by Gordon Faulkner purportedly showing a flying saucer over Warminster in 1965

And now, 50 years after ‘the Warminster Thing’ – Britain’s first UFO ‘flap’ which actually lasted for decades – a major conference event is to take place in the town.

The one-night event will be held over the August Bank Holiday – exactly 50 years after the ‘flap’ became national news and the town was flooded with the curious.

Warminster remained the national capital of all things UFO right through the 1960s and 70s, and enjoyed something of a resurgence with the crop circle phenomenon of the 1980s and 90s.

The phenomenon began slowly, with reports of strange noises making tiny titbits in the local paper late in 1964 and early in 1965. Then newspapers including the Western Daily Press began reporting eyewitness accounts of strange objects and lights in the sky, both day and night, in the town in the spring and summer of 1965.

In August of that summer, such was the furore that the town council held a public meeting to allow worried residents to debate what exactly was going on, and the national media went along and the Warminster Thing became an international phenomenon, boosted by a controversial photograph of a flying saucer taken by local man Gordon Faulkner.

The following weekend was August Bank Holiday, and they came in their thousands from all over the country to see for themselves.

Some never left – for years afterwards, the two large hills, Cley Hill and Cradle Hill, were packed on most nights in the spring and summer with skywatchers determined to see their own strange lights in the sky.

At one point both David Bowie and Mick Jagger made their way to Warminster, along with thousands of others over the ensuing years, as the town’s status as the headquarters of Britain’s UFO phenomenon continued well into the 1970s.

The phenomenon and the story surrounding it was captured in this remarkable documentary in 1990.

The event is being held at the Old Bell in Warminster’s town centre and is organised by mystery author Kevin Goodman, who wrote books on the phenomenon including Cradle of Contact and History of a Mystery.

A number of speakers are attending the one-off event, including UFO expert Peter Paget, who set up a research centre in the town in the 1970s.

For more information, go to the 'Warminster 2015' page on Facebook.

23 January, 2015

Australian scientist first to catch mysterious alien radio signals

An Australian scientist has become the first person to witness a burst of radio waves, coming from an unknown source billions of light years away, arrive at Earth in real time.

Swinburne University PhD student Emily Petroff watched the fast radio burst, which lasted about a millisecond but gave off as much energy as the Sun does in a day, using the Parkes radio telescope in New South Wales.

The first burst was discovered by chance in 2007 by astronomers combing the Parkes data archive. Six more bursts have been found by Parkes since and a seventh by the Arecibo telescope in Puerto Rico.

"These bursts were generally discovered weeks, months or even more than a decade after they happened," Ms Petroff said in a statement.

"We are the first to catch one in real time."

Little is known about the radio waves, but the latest signal indicates that whatever caused it is giant, cataclysmic and up to 5.5 billion light years away.

Astronomers across the globe are now trying to explain the mysterious phenomenon.

CSIRO head of astrophysics Dr Simon Johnston said one of the front-running ideas is that a neutron star collapsed to form a black hole.

"If we can see that happening, it gives off a big flash of radio waves from the far, distant universe, and that's really very exciting," Dr Johnston told the ABC.

In another first, the burst was detected by telescopes across the world, at Australia, California, the Canary Islands, Chile, Germany, Hawaii, and India.

Ms Petroff said identifying the origin of the bursts is only a matter of time.

"We've set the trap. Now we just have to wait for another burst to fall into it."

Further Reading:
A real-time fast radio burst: polarization detection and multiwavelength follow-up http://mnras.oxfordjournals.org/content/447/1/246 (the actual article)
download the article here MNRAS-2015-Petroff-246-55.pdf 1MB

Cosmic radio burst caught red-handed - Swinburne University of Technology

Watch This Space! More Information Soon!

Link: http://www.smh.com.au/technology/sci-tech/australian-scientist-first-to-catch-mysterious-alien-radio-signals-20150120-12uikr.html

British Rail Once Patented a Flying Saucer

If British Rail can't manage to get its trains running on time, how did it ever think it would be able to master space travel?

British Rail Logo
That didn't dull its aspirations back in the 1970s however when it patented a plan for a flying saucer. Designed by Charles Osmond Frederick (with the patent granted in March 1973), the patent describes a craft that uses nuclear fusion for its energy source, with laser beams generated in pulses to stabilise the vehicle.

Magnetised subatomic particles would provide lift and thrust, with a thick metal shield in the hull protecting passengers from radiation. Its grasp of physics is, clearly, batshit crazy, and with the likelihood of the craft ever getting made being slim, the patent lapsed in 1976.

But as YouTube star Tom Scott points out, even the most insane ideas, if original enough, can be worth patenting.

Link:  http://www.educatinghumanity.com/2015/01/british-rail-ufo.html

19 January, 2015

Spectacular UFO lights up the sky in Russian Far East

The authorities have stayed initially silent on the unidentified object which broke apart as it flew over eastern Russia early on Saturday morning. After streaking across the sky, it exploded into a number of pieces with a dazzling flash and a delayed boom described as sounding several minutes later before 7am.

One account said the noise of the explosion came eight minutes after the break-up in the sky. Best guesses from eyewitnesses close to the city of Blagoveshchensk were that this was a meteor.

Other suggestions on social media were that it was a rocket.But Sputnik news agency described one witness as saying 'it looked like a plane's trail but way bigger and brighter'. There were no reports from the authorities suggesting it was a man-made object.

The Red Highlights The Location of Chelyabinsk
On 15 February 2013 a 10,000-ton meteorite exploded above the Russian city of Chelyabinsk, causing injuries to 1,500 people and damage to buildings with glass shattered by the shockwave.

Link: http://siberiantimes.com/other/others/news/n0093-spectacular-ufo-lights-up-the-sky-in-russian-far-east/

Oil inspector spots UFO in Alberta

A 26-year-old woman in Alberta witnessed a UFO while on the job as an oil inspector on November 30, 2014.

UFOs.About.com has reported that she was on her way to “a remote oil field to do maintenance work in Fox Creek. While on the main highway midway between Valleyview and her destination.

She said she was driving by herself and traveling southeast at the time of the sighting. It was a sunny day and as she drove, she “scanned the horizon out of boredom…”

When she looked up, she saw “what looked like a small trapped amount of rainbow in a cloud. At its clearest definition, it looked like it was caused by the sun shining directly into a funnel-like shape in the cloud.”

She thought it must be a “natural phenomena” and admired it for a while before losing site of it. However when it reappeared in a different part of the sky “with a short white tale” similar to a comet, she began to wonder what it might be.

“I had trouble making out the shape of it, but there was definitely some sort of head of the comet-like object that had sharp edges that stood out against the tail in the background of it,” she noted adding that it did not look like a jet and began “falling at a rapid speed.”

With seconds, she said, the object “stopped its rapid descent and sat in the skyline radiating a very small pink light in the distance a head of me, about 1 foot up from the horizon from my current position…”

When she looked up again, she saw “a very short horizontal line” on the “bottom right of the pink dot in the sky that was NOT there a moment ago…” Then when she managed to look up again, both the line and the object had both disappeared. The entire sighting lasted about 10 minutes.

The woman noted that she was “a very practical person; I handle panic situations very well…” She added, “I don’t think I’m crazy. I have no history of hallucinating or psychological disorders, or even making up stories, though I do believe in the possibility of other life somewhere in the universe…”

At first, she noted, “I really was just scared that it was a comet or asteroid, and (it) was actually going to hit the earth until it stopped and sat there, glowing pink… I don't know what I saw, but there is no part of what I saw that resembled a plane, jet, or helicopter.”

Link:  http://www.bubblews.com/news/9805356-oil-inspector-spots-ufo-in-alberta

17 January, 2015

Galactic Flying Saucer Found on Computer Screen at Tololo Observatory Chile

What a Chilean astrophysicist has spotted a Flying saucer on his computer screen? 

Roberto Antezana found an UFO analyzing images from outer space! 


And this image is really weird. It ressembles the unidentified flying objects bringing the ‘Green Martian’ on Earth in Mars Attack!

But sometimes, such weird phenomena have explanations. In our case, the galactic flying saucer is actually produced by two galaxies colliding.

A Clearer Image of The Cluster

It is an elliptical galaxy located in Lepus. It has a recessional velocity of 2472 km/s. NGC 1888 is located to its lower left and NGC 1889 is located to its upper right. Source: astro.umd.edu
NGC 1888, the largest galaxy, engulfs NGC 1889, the smaller in a process occurring more than 200 million light years from Earth.

Link:  http://strangesounds.org/2014/12/galactic-flying-saucer-found-on-computer-screen-at-tololo-observatory.html

Fukang Meteorite - A Beautiful Meteor

Of all the rarities on Earth the most eye-catching and unique are pallasites. These extra-terrestrial gemstones mirror the stellar beauty of the cosmos. The Fukang Pallasite is a specimen that clearly out shines all meteorites of its class.

World renown as the most spectacular example of natural cosmic splendor, the Fukang pallasite will undoubtedly become one of the greatest meteorite discoveries of the 21st century. This awe-inspiring main mass weighs over 925 pounds (over 420 kilograms). The Fukang pallasite displays celestial yellow-green olivine crystals in an illustrious nickel-iron matrix. Backlit slices from the Fukang mass are reminiscent of stained glass windows crafted in the ancient solar system.

Pallasites are extremely rare even among meteorites (only about 1% of all meteorites are this type) and of the meteorites they are, by far, the most alluring. These stellar gemstones are composed of about 50% olivine (peridot), 50% nickel-iron and 100% breathtaking beauty. These awesome treasures are thought to be relics of forming planets.

The is the "main mass" which means it is the largest surviving portion of the only Fukang specimen recovered. It displays, to our knowledge, the largest cross section of this kind of material on earth. Its 36 x 19-inch polished face provides a window into its wondrous mosaic of extraterrestrial crystals. This unparalleled discovery is an astounding treasure — a phenomenal and prestigious centerpiece for any natural history exhibit.

Link:  http://www.meteoritelab.com/collection/fukang.php

Bundaberg man witnessed a UFO sighting

AS Ryan Peat glanced up at the sky on Thursday evening he was left standing in pure

astonishment after glimpsing what may have been life from another galaxy. 

Mr Peat was in his backyard in West Bundaberg at about 6.25pm

when he saw a bright blue flash of light making its way across the sky. 

"It was travelling much like a shooting star but not as fast," he said. 

"It then started to turn green and little specks of light started to trail

behind it before it disintegrated." 

Whether it was space junk, a meteorite, shooting star or something

of the extra terrestrial kind, Mr Peat said the UFO sighting wasn't

one he would forget in a hurry. 

"I have never witnessed anything like it before. It was the coolest

thing I have ever seen," he said.

Bright blue UFO in Queensland http://beforeitsnews.com/paranormal/2015/01/bright-blue-ufo-in-queensland-2482076.html

UFO Fleet Captured Hovering Over Cambridgeshire

This videos seems to show a huge unidentified UFO craft hovering in the sky. This video was captured by a birdwatcher at 4:14 p.m. on December 9th, 2014 in Burwell, Cambridgeshire, England.

The person who shot and uploaded said “After an afternoon’s bird watching I spotted this in the distance, what on earth is it? Never seen anything like it before. This is shortly after I saw 2 cv-22 osprey military planes in the area."

The five minute video shows a fleet of 5-6 glowing objects off in the distance. Towards the end of the video, they looks as though they’re coming in for a landing, and eventually disappear behind a treeline.

Link: http://www.ufosightingsblog.com/2015/01/ufo-fleet-captured-hovering-over.html

15 January, 2015

Archaeologists Have Unearthed a 6,000-Year-Old Mega-Temple Built by a Matriarchal Society

Archaeologists in Ukraine have unearthed a 6,000-year-old temple site near the ancient settlement of Nebelivka, roughly 160 miles south of Kiev, by digging up a 60-by-21-meter site believed to be one of the oldest "mega-structures" in human history. 

Sci-News reports that the ancient site belonged to the Trypillian culture, which lasted from approximately 5,400-2,700 B.C. and extended from the Carpathian piedmont to the Black Sea. The culture was complex, boasting early advancements in metallurgy, pottery and textiles. 

According to researcher Mikhail Videyko, the temple was likely two stories tall, the largest of its kind on the site, and may have been the "center of a complex plan" as the "central temple of the whole village community." Each single-habitation Trypillian settlement appears to have been burnt to the ground after about 60 to 80 years of continuous occupation for reasons unknown to current researchers, including the temple site.

"The temple was a two-story building made of wood and clay surrounded by a galleried courtyard, five rooms were on the first floor and raised family altars made of clay were on the ground floor," Videyko wrote. "Its construction required labor commensurate with the construction of several dozen ordinary houses. Its plan and some features of this structure find analogies in temples from the 5th to 4th millennia B.C. known from excavations in Anatolia and Mesopotamia."

While the main structure appears to have mostly consisted of various clay, the researchers found additional signs of wooden support structures.

The discovery has also drawn attention because some experts theorize Trypillian society was matriarchal, in part due to the large number of female figurines found at dig sites. Sci-News explains that the culture involved "women heading the household, doing agricultural work and manufacturing pottery, textiles and clothing. Hunting, keeping domestic animals and making tools were the responsibilities of the men."

However, there isn't a great deal of hard evidence suggesting which gender held predominant roles in Trypillian culture. In the meantime, marvel at the fact that cultural artifacts six millennia old are still intact enough to be pored over by scholars today.

13 January, 2015

Amazing Photo: Strange object frightened fishermen in Santa Fe, Argentina

Un Ovni sorprendió nuevamente, a pescadores de el pueblo Villa Ocampo, en la provincia de Santa Fe. En la región ya se presenció en varias ocasiones este tipo de apariciones "extraterrestres".

El pasado 5 de enero , un Ovni sorprendió nuevamente a un grupo de pescadores oriundos del lugar en un brazo del río Paraná.

Las personas que se encontraban en el parador "Ave Fénix", a la costa del Río, quedaron sumamente sorprendidas con este fenómeno.

Lugareños confirman que estos tipos de apariciones son habituales en el lugar. Hace pocos meses atrás, a pocos kilómetros en un pueblo llamado "El Sombrerito", fueron encontrados animales extrañamente mutilados con faltante de sus quijadas. Los mismos campesinos relatan haber visto estos objetos luminosos cada vez más seguido a cualquier hora del lugar.
Above The Original Article In Spanish  | http://www.24con.com/conurbano/nota/128568-foto-increible-extrano-objeto-asusto-a-pescadores-en-santa-fe/

And The English Translation
A UFO has again surprised fishermen from the village Villa Ocampo, in the province of Santa Fe. In region that has already witnessed on several occasions these "aliens" apparitions.

On January 5, a UFO again surprised a group of native fishermen held in one arm of the Paraná River.

People who were at the hotel "Ave Fénix", to the coast of Rio, were extremely surprised with this phenomenon.

Locals confirm that these types of occurrences are common in the area. A few months ago, a few kilometers in a town called "The Sombrerito" were found strangely mutilated animals with missing their jaws. The same farmers report having seen these increasingly often place at any time of luminous objects.

The UFO Taken By A Cellular Phone

12 January, 2015

The Petrie Museum "Alien Artifacts" Is A Hoax!

Recently there has been a flurry of articles, blog posts and general excitement over the release of photos of alleged "alien artifacts" recovered from a hidden room within the estate of the late, great Egyptologist Sir William Petrie. It began with a Youtube video and was picked up by multiple different alternative news outlets with great enthusiasm, mainly the editor-in-chief of Intellihub News, Shepard Ambellas. I'm afraid to report that these artifacts are a total fabrication and as far as the curator of the Petrie Museum in London, Dr. Alice Stevenson is concerned, do not exist in their collection.

How did I come to this conclusion? I asked the curator of the museum directly. I'm reminded of that scene in The Bourne Identity where Jason spends all this time walking Marie through a complicated set of steps in order to get the information they need from a bank employee. She gets the information they need in a few minutes and, stunned, he asks her how she did it: "I simply asked for it nicely" she replies. Sometimes the most direct route is the most effective.

"Ancient Egyptian Alien Artifacts Discovered in Jerusalem"

Read The Full Article Here : http://theobjectreport.blogspot.com.au/2015/01/the-petrie-museum-alien-artifacts-do.html

Amazing 1950 Ufo Photo Determined To Be The Real Thing

MAY 11, 1950    …..    McMINNVILLE OREGON A classic set of impressive UFO photos was taken by Mr. and Mrs. Trent in the early part of the evening, just before sunset, on May 11, 1950, near McMinnville, Oregon. According to the Trent’s account the object, as it appeared over their farm was first seen by Ms. Trent while she was feeding the farm’s rabbits  She then quickly called her husband who got the family’s camera and Mr. Trent then took two shots from positions only just a few feet apart. The pictures first appeared in a local newspaper and afterwards in Life magazine. Seventeen years later the photos were subjected to a detailed analysis for the University of Colorado UFO Project.  

William K. Hartmann, an astronomer from the University of Arizona, performed a meticulous photometric and photogrammetric investigation of the original negatives, and set up a scaling system to determine the approximate distance of the UFO.  Hartmann used objects in the near foreground, such as a house, tree, metal water tank, and telephone pole, whose images could be compared with that of the UFO. There were also hills, trees, and buildings in the far distance whose contrast and details had been obscured by atmospheric haze.  

Hartmann used these known distances of various objects in the photo to calculate an approximate atmospheric attenuation factor. He then measured the relative brightnesses of various objects in the photos, and demonstrated that their distances could generally be calculated with an accuracy of about +/- 30%. In the most extreme case, he would be in error by a factor of four. He then wrote:  “It is concluded that by careful consideration of the parameters involved in the case of recognizable objects in the photographs, distances can be measured within a factor-four error … If such good measure could be made for the UFO, we could distinguish between a distant extraordinary object and a hypothetical small, close model.”  

Hartmann then noted that his photometric measurements indicated that the UFO was intrinsically brighter than the metallic tank and the white painted surface of the house, consistent with the Trent’s description that it was a shiny object. Further, the shadowed surface of the UFO was much brighter than the shadowed region of the water tank, which was best explained by a distant object being  illuminated by scattered light from the environment.   “it appears significant that the simplest most direct interpretation of the photographs confirms precisely what the witnesses said they saw” Hartmann further wrote that “to the extent that the photometric analysis is reliable, (and the measurements appear to be consistent), the photographs indicate an object with a bright shiny surface at considerable distance and on the order of tens of meters in diameter. 

While it would be exaggerating to say that we have positively ruled out a fabrication, it appears significant that the simplest most direct interpretation of the photographs confirms precisely what the witnesses said they saw.”  In his conclusion, Hartmann reiterated this, stressing that all the factors he had investigated, both photographic and testimonial, were consistent with the claim that “an extraordinary flying object, silvery, metallic, disc-shaped, tens of meters in diameter, and evidently artificial, flew within sight of [the] two witnesses.”

Link:  http://beforeitsnews.com/paranormal/2015/01/amazing-1950-ufo-photo-determined-to-be-the-real-thing-2481832.html

Amazing Plasma-Energy Entity captured over Peru

An amazing phenomenon occurred in the sky over Huancavelica in Peru on January 10, 2015.

The footage shows a bright colorful object which energy flows in a spherical core in all directions. Two distinct rays are projected in opposite directions just as a neutron star or pulsar.

Is something burning up in the atmosphere are does this phenomenon suggest that it is a UFO in a high-energy state, or as UFOVNI suggest this UFO-like object became visible due to a “Pauli Effect”.

The Pauli effect is a term referring to the apparently mysterious, anecdotal failure of technical equipment.

Other possibilities:

It is a pyrotechnical object.
Pyrotechnics is the science of using materials capable of undergoing self-contained and self-sustained exothermic chemical reactions for the production of heat, light, gas, smoke and/or sound.

Pyrotechnics include not only the manufacture of fireworks and flares but items such as safety matches, oxygen candles, explosive bolts and fasteners.

It is a Plasmoid object.
A plasmoid is a coherent structure of plasma and magnetic fields. Plasmoids have been proposed to explain natural phenomena such as ball lightning, magnetic bubbles in the magnetosphere and objects in cometary tails.

The energy jets from this object can be explained by the plasmoid phenomenon (plasma-magnetic entity). This phenomenon can fully explain the mechanisms that trigger and suppress jet formation. As a high-density energy storage phenomenon, the plasmoid would produce well-collimated jets after a time as determined by the process of particle collisions.

Link: http://ufosightingshotspot.blogspot.com.au/2015/01/amazing-plasma-energy-entity-captured.html

Russian Navy UFO records say aliens love the ocean

The Russian navy has declassified its records of encounters with unidentified objects technologically surpassing anything humanity ever built, reports Svobodnaya Pressa news website.

The records dating back to soviet times were compiled by a special navy group collecting reports of unexplained incidents delivered by submarines and military ships. The group was headed by deputy Navy commander Admiral Nikolay Smirnov, and the documents reveal numerous cases of possible UFO encounters, the website says. Vladimir Azhazha, former navy officer and a famous Russian UFO researcher, says the materials are of great value.

“Fifty percent of UFO encounters are connected with oceans. Fifteen more – with lakes. So UFOs tend to stick to the water,” he said.

On one occasion a nuclear submarine, which was on a combat mission in the Pacific Ocean, detected six unknown objects. After the crew failed to leave behind their pursuers by maneuvering, the captain ordered to surface. The objects followed suit, took to the air, and flew away.

Many mysterious events happened in the region of Bermuda Triangle, recalls retired submarine commander Rear Admiral Yury Beketov. Instruments malfunctioned with no apparent reason or detected strong interference. The former navy officer says this could be deliberate disruption by UFOs.

Vladimir Kremlev to RT-

“On several occasions the instruments gave reading of material objects moving at incredible speed. Calculations showed speeds of about 230 knots, of 400 kph. Speeding so fast is a challenge even on the surface. But water resistance is much higher. It was like the objects defied the laws of physics. There’s only one explanation: the creatures who built them far surpass us in development,” Beketov said.

Navy intelligence veteran, Captain 1st rank Igor Barklay comments:

“Ocean UFOs often show up wherever our or NATO’s fleets concentrate. Near Bahamas, Bermudas, Puerto Rico. They are most often seen in the deepest part of the Atlantic Ocean, in the southern part of the Bermuda Triangle, and also in the Caribbean Sea.”

Another place where people often report UFO encounters is Russia’s Lake Baikal, the deepest fresh water body in the world. Fishermen tell of powerful lights coming from the deep and objects flying up from the water.

In one case in 1982 a group of military divers training at Baikal spotted a group of humanoid creatures dressed in silvery suits. The encounter happened at a depth of 50 meters, and the divers tried to catch the strangers. Three of the seven men died, while four others were severely injured.

Link: http://www.ufodisclosuregroup.com/ufo-stories/russian-navy-ufo-records-say-aliens-love-the-ocean

11 January, 2015

Pulsars: Why We May Be Overlooking Extraterrestrial Beacons

The universe is full of mysteries that challenge our current knowledge. In "Beyond Science" Epoch Times collects stories about these strange phenomena to stimulate the imagination and open up previously undreamed of possibilities. Are they true? You decide.

Considering the vastness of space, the immensity of the cosmos we search, it seems unlikely that we would ever find evidence of extraterrestrial life in the form of beacons or radio messages.

However, perhaps that is not the case at all, maybe the messages from aliens are frequent and we are just not looking in the right part of the sky at the proper time. Moreover, perhaps we are not detecting alien signals because we are misinterpreting them. Some wonder if pulsars—quickly rotating neutron stars that periodically emit radiation—could be alien beacons.

Read More.......

An Australian Family Discovers UFO Near International Space Station

A husband, who identified himself as Fred, reported an unknown object near the International Space Station. On December 28, 2014, they were looking at the live stream of the space station at around 9:40 PM Sydney Time and when the ISS was approximately over France, they saw the camera moved and focused towards a mysterious object. They were not sure if someone from the ground or the ISS manipulated the angle of the camera. They suspected that somebody moved the camera to take a better look at the unidentified flying object.

Upon seeing the object, the reporting witness said that he, his wife, and daughter were surprised and could not determine what they were seeing. He described the object as having small, blue flashing lights in the middle. His daughter also noticed that the flashing lights turned red as well.
His wife decided to print the object quickly. Fred said that the camera appeared to focus more on the subject matter and then zoomed in, but not close enough as they were hoping. The camera then zoomed into the clouds before the live stream stopped, Fred stated.

Fred said that they stayed for a while and waited for the live stream to reappear. When the live stream finally got back, Fred claimed they heard a voice with Russian accent saying computer rebooted as requested.

He said that the object, they saw, seemed to move at the exact similar speed of the ISS. The camera just started to move and look for it when it appeared on the screen. Fred would like to know if the object, they saw, was a satellite or something unexplainable. He expects that somebody else also saw the mysterious object.

08 January, 2015

The Secret Quest to Discover the “Metallic Library”

Neil Armstrong, inside the Tayos Cave, 1976
A system of tunnels and caves beneath Ecuador and Peru is reputed to hold an ancient treasure-house of artefacts including two libraries, one containing inscribed metal books and the other storing tablets of crystal

It's not what you know, but who you know. In 1973, Erich von Däniken, at the height of his fame following the success of Chariots of the Gods?, claimed that he had entered into a gigantic subterranean tunnel system in Ecuador, which he was told spanned the length of the continent — surely evidence that our ancestors were highly advanced, if not extraterrestrial?

The structure was believed to house a library in which books were made out of metal — this in an area where today there is nothing but "primitive" Indian tribes with no written language. Evidence of a lost civilisation? It was a major claim, and it did not go unchallenged.

The story centred around Janos "Juan" Moricz, an aristocratic Argentinian-Hungarian entrepreneur who claimed that he had discovered a series of tunnels in Ecuador that contained a "Metal Library".

In a signed affidavit dated 8 July 1969, he spoke about his meeting with the Ecuadorian president, where he received a concession that allowed him total control over this discovery — provided he could produce photographic evidence and an independent witness that corroborated the discovery of the underground network. Newspapers reported on the expedition that Moricz had organised.

Read The Full Article Here

Travel To Distance Planets With 'Exoplanet Travel Bureau'

These posters were created by NASA's Jet Propulsion Lab, and are marked as coming from the 'Exoplanet Travel Bureau'

Recreating the images in a retro way! Its pretty nicely done.

Kepler-186f "Where The Grass Is Always Redder On The Other Side"
Kepler-186f is the first Earth-size planet discovered in the potentially 'habitable zone' around another star, where liquid water could exist on the planet's surface. Its star is much cooler and redder than our Sun. If plant life does exist on a planet like Kepler-186f, its photosynthesis could have been influenced by the star's red-wavelength photons, making for a color palette that's very different than the greens on Earth. This discovery was made by Kepler, NASA's planet hunting telescope.

HD 40307g "Experience The Gravity of A Super Earth"
Twice as big in volume as the Earth, HD 40307g straddles the line between "Super-Earth" and "mini-Neptune" and scientists aren't sure if it has a rocky surface or one that's buried beneath thick layers of gas and ice. One thing is certain though: at eight time the Earth's mass, its gravitational pull is much, much stronger.

Relax on Kelper-16b "The Land of Two Suns: Where Your Shadow Always Has Company"
Like Luke Skywalker's planet "Tatooine" in Star Wars, Kepler-16b orbits a pair of stars. Depicted here as a terrestrial planet, Kepler-16b might also be a gas giant like Saturn. Prospects for life on this unusual world aren't good, as it has a temperature similar to that of dry ice. But the discovery indicates that the movie's iconic double-sunset is anything but science fiction.

Enjoy The Trip, To Other Worlds!

Link:  http://planetquest.jpl.nasa.gov/media_categories?category=6

Has Curiosity Found Fossilized Life on Mars?

Time and time again, as we carefully scrutinize the amazing high-resolution imagery flowing to Earth from NASA’s Mars rover Curiosity, we see weird things etched in Martian rocks. Most of the time our brains are playing tricks on us. At other times, however, those familiar rocky features can be interpreted as processes that also occur on Earth.
  Now, in a paper published in the journal Astrobiology, a geobiologist has related structures photographed by Curiosity of Martian sedimentary rock with structures on Earth that are known to be created by microbial lifeforms. But just because the structures look like they’ve been formed by microbes on Mars, does it mean that they were?

Microbially Induced Sedimentary Structures on Mars?
The image in question was snapped by Curiosity of the Gillespie Lake outcrop situated in the Yellowknife Bay area of Gale Crater that the rover arrived at on Dec. 17, 2012, on sol 125 of its mission. It was soon realized that the Gillespie Lake rock is sedimentary sandstone, formed when Mars possessed surface water. As such, there are many likenesses between the rocks found in Yellowknife and sedimentary rocks on Earth. For example, the layering of sedimentary rock and conglomerations contained within these layers led NASA scientists to realize that Curiosity is exploring an ancient lake bed.

After 20 years of studying microbially induced sedimentary structures (MISS) on Earth, Nora Noffke of Old Dominion University in Virginia turned her attentions to Curiosity’s observations of Gillespie Lake.

During Noffke’s analysis of the Mars rock, striking similarities in morphological structures in Gillespie Lake and terrestrial rocks were found. Gillespie Lake, which has been dated to around 3.7 billion years old, seems to possess its own structures that could be attributed to ancient Martian microbes.

Overlay of sketch on photograph of Gillespie Lake to assist in the identification of the structures on the rock bed surface.
In her analysis, Noffke is keen to emphasize that she hasn’t found proof of ancient Mars life, only that her hypothesis provides a compelling explanation for the formation processes behind the shapes in the surface of Mars sedimentary rock.

“All I can say is, here’s my hypothesis and here’s all the evidence that I have,” said Noffke in an Astrobiology Magazine article, “although I do think that this evidence is a lot.”

There have been countless claims pointing to evidence of ancient life on Mars, many of which have since been proven to be, at most, wishful thinking, but this new study has garnered some cautious praise from planetary scientist Chris McKay, of NASA’s Ames Research Center and an associate editor of Astrobiology.

“I’ve seen many papers that say ‘Look, here’s a pile of dirt on Mars, and here’s a pile of dirt on Earth. And because they look the same, the same mechanism must have made each pile on the two planets,’” said McKay.

“That’s an easy argument to make, and it’s typically not very convincing. However, Noffke’s paper is the most carefully done analysis of the sort that I’ve seen, which is why it’s the first of its kind published in Astrobiology.”
  “In one image, I saw something that looked very familiar,” said Noffke. “So I took a closer look, meaning I spent several weeks investigating certain images centimeter by centimeter, drawing sketches, and comparing them to data from terrestrial structures.”

On Earth, ancient microbial mats — basically sheets of microbes that formed usually in wet environments — can be found fossilized in the surfaces of rock that used to be submerged in water. Noffke studied these fossils on Earth, from a variety of locations around the world, and matched their shape and expected morphology with the shapes on the surface of Gillespie Lake and sure enough, the similarities were there.

“At this point, all I’d like to do is point out these similarities,” she added. “Further evidence must be provided to verify this hypothesis.”

Unfortunately, this is a problem that continues to dog any effort to find definitive proof of life, ancient or otherwise, on Mars.

Curiosity Isn’t Looking For Life
Mars rover Curiosity is the most advanced machine ever sent to the surface of another world. Its mission on the Red Planet has been unprecedented, providing firm evidence that Mars was once a very wet planet. Also, the mission has detected organic chemistry in rock samples, proving that the building blocks for life do indeed exist on Mars’ rusted terrain. And now, the detection of methane has added fuel to the fire, boosting speculation about methanogens (methane-producing microorganisms) that could be eking out an existence beneath the surface.

Albeit compelling, all these lines of evidence for past and present life on Mars are just that, evidence. Curiosity’s mission has never been to find life on Mars — it is there to seek out habitable environments on Mars, past and present. And this is the problem: until we send a robotic sample return mission or, preferably, land humans on Mars, we probably won’t be able to definitively prove that rocky features, such as the ones that cover Gillespie Lake, were produced by microbial life.
So what can we do with the assets we currently have on Mars? Noffke suggests, that if Curiosity encounters other features that resemble fossilized microbial mats, perhaps the rover could drill into the rock and sample the dust with its on board chemical laboratory, the Sample Analysis on Mars (SAM) instrument. Alas, any biological traces will likely be long-gone, says McKay.

To find out whether these structures are indeed biological in nature, samples of rock would need to be thinly sliced and then microscopically analyzed for “specific microbial textures” — a feat well beyond Curiosity’s abilities.

So although this new research will likely grab the headlines, and rightly so, we shouldn’t lose sight about what this means. It is not proof of life, it is another line of evidence for the presence of ancient microbial life on Mars. And although this research is compelling, it could still just be Mars rocks tricking us into thinking the shapes are biological in origin.

Link:  http://news.discovery.com/space/alien-life-exoplanets/has-curiosity-found-fossilized-life-on-mars-150106.htm

Are there UFOs above Parliament House?

Strange aircraft captured streaking across the sky in Canberra 

  • Footage shows a strange object speeding across the sky
  • Video was filmed from inside a passenger jet a few years ago
  • It has only just been released by sighting group Finding UFO 

Footage showing a strange object streaking across the sky beneath a jet plane has emerged, prompting questions about what the other aircraft could be.

Filmed a few years ago but released this week, the video - which was uploaded to YouTube - shows the view outside the left side of a carrier aircraft with the wing in sight.

Footage has emerged showing a strange object streaking across the sky above Canberra

Posted by Finding UFO, a group whose aim is to spot unidentified flying objects across Australia, the footage shows a small white disc zooming across the sky in the blink of an eye through the airspace above Canberra.

Entering from the left hand side of the screen the object appears to be travelling at great speed as it streaks past along the clouds.

It then seems to transit beneath the plane and out of sight  'An unidentified flying object was caught on camera from an airplane near Canberra, Australia on April 04, 2012,' the video's description reads.

'It was filmed by a passenger. 

'The UFO was flying very fast below the Aircraft. It doesn't look like a normal plane or helicopter but it looks like a flying saucer.'

It is unclear why the passenger on the plane was filming out the aircraft's window, but commenters on the video have backed the legitimacy of the footage.

Finding UFO have uploaded many similar videos over the past few years, purporting to show UFOs in various destinations around the world including Melbourne, Hong Kong, Hamburg, Brazil, and Chile.

06 January, 2015

05 January, 2015

Russian firm proposes $9.4B moon base for mining

The moon rises over Moscow
A Russian start-up said it is planning to build a lunar base camp for a measly $9.4 billion. But even Russian authorities are cautioning that these plans may be a little too soon.

Privately-owned Lin Industrial—which counts "World of Tanks" developer Sergei Burkatovsky among potential backers—announced on Wednesday that it was prepared to establish an operational moon base for 550 billion rubles (about $9.39 billion) within 10 years after receiving government approval, according to Russian News Agency TASS.

Despite the optimistic projections, Director of the Russian Academy of Sciences Institute of Space Research Lev Zeleny told TASS, "This is still early to say about construction of a settlement."

The company's chief designer Alexander Ilyin told TASS that the lunar base project would use existing technologies which can be readily produced within five years. This includes the habitation module from Soyuz spaceships, he told the news agency.

The lunar camp would need 13 launches of heavy rockets to shuttle the base's required equipment, and then another 37 launches for establishing adequate living conditions, according to TASS.

"A possible deadline of the project is ten years from the date of taking the decision, including five years directly for deployment of the base and work of crews," Ilyin told TASS. 

Russian extraterrestrial planners have previously theorized that a moon base could become financially viable by mining for rare earth metals currently used in the development of some electronics.

Further Reading/ http://www.thexenologist.com/2015/01/russian-company-ready-to-create-lunar.html

Link: http://cnb.cx/1tHx3em

Russian company ready to create lunar base for under $10 billion

MOSCOW, December 31. /TASS/. The Russian company Lin Industrial currently developing the ultralightweight Taimyr rocket has announced readiness to build a base on the Moon 10 years after a corresponding decision is made. According to preliminary estimates, such a base will cost around 550 billion rubles (over $9.7 billion), the company's chief designer Alexander Ilyin told TASS.

A draft deep space exploration program moved for approval in the government offers to allocate around two trillion roubles ($35.5 billion) for the lunar exploration program in 2014-2025.

Meanwhile, piloted expeditions to the Moon and deployment of first elements of lunar infrastructure are planned after 2030.

He noted that the project planned the use of already existing machinery and equipment which can be produced within the next five years. For instance, a modernized  Angara heavy rocket is supposed to be used as a carrier rocket. A spaceship, which can be created on the basis of a descent capsule and a habitation module of Soyuz spaceships, as well as a landing lunar module on the basis of Fregat upper stage rocket, Ilyin said.

Lin Industrial plans to make 13 launches of heavy rockets to build a base on the Moon, and primarily 37 launches are needed to maintain living conditions on the base within five years.

The company has already picked up Malapert Mount on the southern lunar Pole as a place for first lunar settlement. “This is a quite flat plateau with the Earth in direct sight that provides good conditions for communications and is a comfortable place for landing. The sun is shining for 89% of the day on the mount, the night which takes place there only several times a year does not last more than 3-6 days,” Ilyin noted.

“A possible deadline of the project is ten years from the date of taking the decision, including five years directly for deployment of the base and work of crews,” he added.

Commenting on this initiative, Director of the Russian Academy of Sciences Institute of Space Research Lev Zeleny noted that the project heralded the interest regained to the exploration and development of the Moon. “This is still early to say about construction of a settlement,” the academician noted.

At first a landing site should be selected, technologies should be developed to deliver and provide for the life of the man on the Moon, tasks should be set for spacemen and radiation security should be ensured, Zeleny noted. A concept drafted by the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Federal Space Agency Roscosmos plans these aspects, the institute chief recalled.

“This is good that they are dreaming. There are talented people in their team. Several their developments can be useful in the future,” Zeleny added.

Link:  http://itar-tass.com/en/non-political/770119