There’s no subject more ignored, shunned and discounted by the mainstream media than that of UFOs.
It’s absolutely true (this
refusal to report, that is) and for the life of me, I can’t understand
why. The implications of the ostensibly deliberate disinterest are
unfathomable not to mention those of a government cover-up. In fact, the
prominent ufologist
Stanton Friedman calls it in effect the Watergate of the millennium.
subject of flying saucers represents a kind of Cosmic Watergate,
meaning that some few people in major governments have known since July,
1947, when two crashed saucers and several alien bodies were recovered
in New Mexico, that indeed SOME UFOs are ET. As noted in 1950, it’s the
most classified U.S. topic.
And note, he unabashedly calls them flying saucers and not UFOs. How
can this subject, the subject, the existence of extraterrestrial beings,
especially now as the latest iteration of Star Wars breaks all box
office records, be of no interest to the media? And moreover, as
newsrooms are shuttered, as news resources are pared and slashed, as the
current crop of journalistas are desperately shaking the bushes for
something, anything, to report on or cover, how can the most fascinating
subject that has captivated humans since time immemorial not be leapt
upon with the usual ferocity?
A cursory review of the Internet reveals
numerous countries along with the Vatican openly acknowledging the
existence of UFO files and investigations. Do you mean to suggest there
exist no enterprising media types who are unwilling to vouchsafe the
fact of the investigations themselves without verifying or acknowledging
the existence of alien life and interstellar adventure?
asked this question for years and renew my query, especially in view of
one-time chief of staff to Bill Clinton and an outgoing advisor to
Barack Obama, John Podesta and his
this year as to his biggest regret, viz. not securing the disclosure of
UFO files. RT’s Manila Chan and I discussed this very topic in The Year
in Space: 2015.
Yahoo News reported
that at a 2002 presser organized by the Coalition for Freedom of
Information, Podesta spoke as to the necessity and importance of
disclosing government UFO investigations to the public.
“It’s time to find out what the truth really is what’s out there,” he said. “We
ought to do it, really, because it’s right. We ought to do it, quite
frankly, because the American people can handle the truth. And we ought
to do it because it’s the law.”
Why not jump on his words for
that AHA! moment? Especially from the likes of the consummate White
House insider. As this is a subject of great interest to me I provide
the following opinion and educated hunch.
First, in full
disclosure, I’ve never witnessed or viewed anything that I could or
would remotely categorize as extraterrestrial, UFO-esque and/or the
like. In fact, I never gave the subject much thought for most of my
life, choosing instead to believe the oft-cited trope that folks who
claim to have observed flying space critters were usually drunk, draft,
hallucinating or combinations thereof. I’d laugh at the usual account of
some hayseed roused from sleep in his double-wide only to be anally
probed by some macrocephalic, almond-eyed central casting ET.
After all, the notion was preposterous. Right?
the Internet and my road to Damascus moment. I happened upon the work
of Mr. Friedman, a nuclear physicist and University of Chicago classmate
of Carl Sagan, and immediately delved into the subject. I simply had no
idea the amount of first-hand accounts, eyewitness testimony, reports
and radar records, you name it, that comprised the repository of data.
Not to mention the oft-yet misquoted
Project Blue Book Special Report No. 14.
Yes, No. 14! What about 1-13? Good question, but that’s for another
time. But suffice it to say that as for the plenitude of data that you
will find when you dip into this subject, the level of misunderstanding
and disinformation is simply amazing.
Amazing when you consider the
certitude employed by those who emphatically reduce the subject to
mythology and folklore.
But what about the media and their
reluctance and refusal to give any attention to the matter? Here are my
suppositions, hypotheses and theories.
Institutional bias. The
media reflect the world around us. They take no chances, buck no
convention and challenge no public opinion. As far as they know, any
suggestion as to the viability of the theory that aliens or
extraterrestrial biological entities (EBEs) exist or have been spotted
is a no-no. Similar to the notion of the conspiracy theory, these
subjects represent a journalistic no man’s land and the unwritten rule
is that if coverage of any form is had it will be in a jocular
presentation, minimizing any suggestion of the story’s veracity or
verity. In other words: It’s understood that it’s to be disregarded.
illiteracy. This represents the crux of scores of issues that are given
short shrift or ignored altogether by an increasingly juvenescent
newsroom. Newsers have been told that interstellar travel is pert near
impossible for a host of reasons they’ve yet to verify or attempt to
comprehend. Unimaginable distances, limitations on light speed are but a
few. They’ve simply accepted what is to be excepted.
Blind acquiescence and patellar, Pavlovian governmental obeisance.
The last thing your government would want is for there to be an
acceptance of the notion that not only have we been visited (and are)
but that evidence of such has been kept from the masses. And not because
of the usual theory posited that we would run into the streets crazed
and panicked à la the 1938 Mercury Theatre’s War of the Worlds, but
because interstellar travel most probably involves a means of a
locomotion source that didn’t involve chemical combustion such as
antigravitic propulsion. And when petrochemical combustion in particular
is not necessary, can you imagine the impact this would have on a world
economy dependent on the petrodollar and petrocracies?
dissolution of nationalism and the emergence of the “Earthling.” Just
imagine what the world would look like reconfigured to think not as
mini-jurisdictional borders such as countries or tribes, sects,
religions and the like, but as a complete and contiguous assemblage of
Earthlings. So long jurisdictional tiffs. Adios, religious disquietude.
Toodle-oo, nationalism and sectarian identification. Hello, fellow
inhabitants. “Kumbaya” meets “We are the world.”
Now, let me
remind you what the media believe are critical and worthy of mention
without surcease – Steve Harvey’s Miss Universe misfire, the latest
viral video of a duck playing the piano and anything Donald Trump
related. No, that’s front page. That’s the lead. But the umpteenth
sighting of potential interstellar, extraterrestrial intelligent craft?!
Nope. Not interested. They’re just too busy.