08 December, 2015

NZ's haven for UFOs

 Kaikoura and Blenheim might just seem like pleasant destinations for tourists who want to drink wine, eat crayfish or watch whales.

What the tourists might not know, though, is that they’re just a stone’s throw from New Zealand’s UFO sighting hot spot.

Two hours east from Motueka and Nelson to the Kaikoura Coast is a haven for sightings of unidentified flying objects.

Sightings have been inconsistent but have never stopped, and there was one last month.

The sightings have also been occurring in the same area as the Waihopai Spy Base, the largest of its kind in New Zealand and part of a global satellite communications monitoring network.

So it is just a delightful coincidence?

Click below for the video
Source:  http://www.3news.co.nz/tvshows/story/nzs-haven-for-ufos-2015120718

More Information:
* Kaikoura Lights
* Waihopai Spy Base


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