Nearly half of polled British
Columbians believe in UFOs and aliens, yet when it comes to the
province's legendary monsters, only about one in six believe
the Ogopogo exists.

According to the survey, a similar percentage of British Columbians and Albertans believe in UFOs, and that the assassination of U.S. President John F. Kennedy in 1963 was a conspiracy.
But a higher percentage of
polled Albertans than British Columbians believed they are being
deceived about global warming and about the death of Diana, Princess of
Wales, in 1997.
"When you have a situation where the government or the authority is essentially telling you, 'This is how we saw it happened,' — there seems to be this human nature that tells us there's something more to it.
Many Albertans think global warming is a hoax but UFOs are real: poll | Calgary Herald
"There has to be a reason that's even deeper and darker than what we are told happened."
Other survey results include 32
per cent of British Columbians believing government or pharmaceutical
companies are withholding a cure for cancer, and 19 per cent believing
9/11 was a U.S.-government conspiracy.
The poll surveyed 801 British Columbians and 508 Albertans between Mar. 24 and 29. The margin of error is plus or minus 3.5 percentage points for B.C., and plus or minus 4.3 percentage points for Alberta.
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