23 May, 2014

Wikileaks Stratfor UFO Files

On Monday February 27th, 2012, WikiLeaks began publishing The Global Intelligence Files, over five million e-mails from the Texas headquartered "global intelligence" company Stratfor. The e-mails date between July 2004 and late December 2011. They reveal the inner workings of a company that fronts as an intelligence publisher, but provides confidential intelligence services to large corporations, such as Bhopal's Dow Chemical Co., Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon and government agencies, including the US Department of Homeland Security, the US Marines and the US Defence Intelligence Agency.According to Wikileaks Stratfor UFO files, "By 1949, military intelligence authorities had classified the "flying saucer" phenomenon as Top Secret and Army CIC had passed on information that the Soviets may have developed saucer-shaped aerial weapons capable of delivering atomic bombs or dissipating radioactive materials over NATO countries as a stopgap measure to make up for the nonexistent nuclear weapons arsenal. In early 1947, the nonexistent nuclear arsenal in the United States was a closely guarded secret as well and no doubt this fact set in motion the nuclear arms race which terrified Angleton. OSO was probably aware of Soviet knowledge of the bomb gap existing within both superpowers and the flying saucer invasion of the United States which crossed Angleton's desk put a scare into his psyche which is reflected in a credo he shared with other OSO staff members: "You who believe or half believe, I can say this now, that I do believe in the spirit of Christ and the life everlasting, and in this turbulent social system which struggles sometimes blindly to preserve the right to freedom and expression of spirit. "In the name of Jesus Christ I leave you."After General Walter B. Smith was appointed as DCI, Angleton continued on as OSO Staff A (foreign intelligence operations) inside the CIA's clandestine division. In 1951, he was given the all important Israeli desk which he held tight control for twenty years because it was a source of vital Soviet information in the Middle East. As more and more UFO sighting reports made their way to CIA headquarters, unevaluated reports were forwarded to counterintelligence when the locations were identified as coming from Soviet bloc countries. During this period, Angleton made good liaisons with FBI contacts who were equally concerned with protecting vital atomic research facilities and no doubt many domestic reports were read by Angleton as they came across his desk in the "L" Building across the Lincoln Memorial. When Smith was coaxed away from his power base as DCI, Allen Dulles, Angleton's friend form the OSS days became the new DCI and in late 1954, promoted Angleton to the position of deputy director and Chief of Counterintelligence with direct access to Dulles and all foreign UFO intelligence from the Intelligence Advisory Committee who had been established to look into national security implications involving the UFO phenomena."Down below are other interesting leaked information: Report Section 4, 'ANGLETON AND THE MJ-12 DIRECTIVE': "Among all the controversial documents leaked to the public in the last twenty years regarding state secrets and the UFO phenomena is the fantastic revelations of the CIA's unacknowledged MJ MAJESTIC TWELVE files disclosing the most guarded of all classified subjects-extraterrestrial life forms and their technologies"Report Section 5, on Marilyn Monroe: "a UFO leak crisis brought new strains on Angleton as he had learned that Hollywood screen star Marilyn Monroe's phone conversation with a New York art dealer discussing Kennedy's secret visit to an undisclosed military base to see alien artifacts and her disdain over the soured relationship she had endured with President Kennedy and his brother"Report Section 6, on JFK: Dated 12 November, 1963, just ten days before he would be gunned down in the streets of Dallas, Texas, Kennedy informed Angleton that he was setting things in motion to actually share sensitive CIA UFO intelligence data with the Russians through the director of NASA. This request was made on the same day he requested James Webb to begin Kennedy's peace overture to the Russians via joint space exploration" read moreSource : Wikileaks

Read more: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/ufo_blogger/~3/FTwXI8d0wd8/wikileaks-stratfor-ufo-files.html

LINK: http://www.secretnews-compact.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=40300:wikileaks-stratfor-ufo-files&catid=1:latest-news&Itemid=50


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